春季课程是英国大学官方开设的正规课程(full time),其课程设置、教学质量和教学资源、学习评估方法标准还是认可程度等方面基本都与秋季课程没有区别(少数专业的教学安排与秋季略有区别)。
1. MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management
2. MTh Church History & Theology
3. MSc Civil Engineering & Management
4. MSc Educational Studies
5. MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering
6. MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management
7. MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management
1. MSc Banking and Finance (Conversion)
2. MSc Banking and Finance
3. MSc Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-masters
4. MSc Investment and Finance with Integrated Pre-masters
5. MSc Management
6. MSc Management with Integrated Pre-masters
7. MSc Genomic Medicine (non-HEE funded)
Allied Health Professions and Nursing
1. Adult Nursing with Registered Nurse StatusMSc
2. Advanced Practice in Healthcare MSc
3. Critical Care PGCert
4. Diagnostic Radiography(Pre-registration)MSc
5. Mental Health Nursing with Registered NurseStatus MSc
6. Occupational Therapy(Pre-registration)MSc
7. Orthoptics(Pre-registration)MSc
8. Physiotherapy(Pre-registration)MSc
9. Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology(Pre-registration)MSc
1. Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
2. Advanced Manufacturing Systems andTechnology MSc
3. Mechanical Engineering with ManagementMSc
4. Sustainable Civil and Structural EngineeringMSc
Business and Management
1. MSc Business Analytics
2. MSc Business and Management
3. MSc International Business and Strategy
4. MSc Marketing and Business Analytics
1. MSc Engineering Business Management
2. MSc International Supply Chain Management
Design Innovation
1. MA/Msc Design Innovation
Digital Technologies
1. MSc Digital Finance
2. MSc Digital Marketing
Diplomacy and International Governance
1. MSc Diplomacy and International Relations
2. MSc Diplomacy, International Business and Trade
3. MSc Diplomacy, International Politics and Trade
4. MSc Diplomacy and Sport
5. MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1. MSc Digital Entrepreneurship
2. MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
3. MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
International Management
1. MSc International Human Resource Management
2. MSc International Management
3. MSc International Management and Emerging Economies
4. MSc Risk, Governance and International Management
5. MSc Sustainable Management
Media and Creative Industries
1. MA Communication, Media and Development•
2. MA Digital Media and Creative Industries
3. MA International Development
4. MSc International Sustainable Development
Sport Business
1. MSc Sport Marketing
2. MSc Sustainable Sport Business